IPX800 C#

Library developed in C# that allows to send commands to an IPX800 v2, an IPX800 v3 or an IPX800 v4 relay board.

Currently the control of outputs and reading of inputs are supported.

IPX800 v3
IPX800 v2


This library is under the LGPL license. This means that you have the right to use it (by using the DLL) both in free and commercial software. You are required to specify the following points in your software documentation :

  • That you are using this library in your software
  • That this library is licenced under the LGPL license
  • You must put a link to the library project repository

You can use the code under following conditions :

  • The code must remain licensed under the LGPL.
  • Any modification of the code (correction, additions, change, wrapper, ...) must be licensed under the LGPL. Any other code in your application can be licensed as you wish

For complete information, read the GNU LGPL License


This software is free, but any donation is welcome


Elendil Software.
Software useful for astronomy, developed by an amateur astronomer for amateur astronomers.